Join us today!
Show your support by joining the Glasgow Conservatives.
As a member you have the right to:
- Vote to select local Conservative candidates
- Attend 'member-only' party events
- Contribute towards policy development through our Policy Forum
- Attend social events, such as our lunches and dinners where you can meet like-minded people and speak to elected Conservative politicians
- Vote in our AGM, elect the Executive Council and become an office bearer
Our recommended standard membership fee is £25. You can join online or alternatively you can contact us by email [email protected] or 0141 882 5916 for further information.
Membership Terms
1. Application for membership of the Party is subject to review by the Party and Glasgow Conservative Association before final approval. Final approval of applications, or non-approval, will be communicated to the applicant in writing as soon as possible after the application is made.
2. Applications will not be considered where the applicant is a member under suspension or is a former member currently expelled from the Party.
3. The Party reserves the right to not accept an application for membership.
Political Party Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (PPERA)
Under the Political Party Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (PPERA) you must be on the electoral register in the UK (excluding the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man) in order to make a donation of more than £500. If you donate more than £7,500 to the Party, we are obliged under the Political Parties Elections and Referendums Act 2000 to report such a donation to the Electoral Commission, who will publish the fact that you have made a donation over £7,500. For more information, please see